5D Mark III Sample Images

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Canon Rumors Guy

Canon EOS 40D
Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 20, 2010
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<strong>From Canon Japan

</strong>Check out the sample images Canon has posted from the 5D Mark III. ISO 6400 looks pretty good, though I’d like to see my wedding photography hero <a href="http://jeffascough.com/">Jeff Ascough</a> bust out some high ISO wedding photography.</p>
<p><strong><a href="http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/samples/eos5dmk3/" target="_blank">http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/samples/eos5dmk3/ </a></strong></p>
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yes I'm quite surprised too I must say.

As usual, the shots itself are ok-ish but not stunning, and probably got jpeg processed the sh*t out of them so we'll have to wait and see for real life shots or some raw files.

I actually prefer my shots with practically no noise reduction at all as they get usually printed for album anyway.

Like our man here says: bring it on Jeff A.! I'll ask him on DWF ;)
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photogaz said:
I'm surprised Canon actually has so many samples. Why didn't they do this with the 1DX in fact, the 1DX still has less samples out there.

I'd love it if the shots from the guy who was spotted with the 5D Mark III last month appeared in there! ;)

The 1DX looks like it will ship after the 5D mk3, I'd guess it was annouced early to get more hype as the flagship and to allow pros to plan for its purchase.
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Freelance (film days) - Digital Enthusiast
Apr 6, 2011
Not that I feel there is any competition, these are all tools that in inexperienced hands will not perform no matter what, but these comparisons will be made for a long time going forward..

At least for the quickly culled/processed samples, the 5DmkIII sample image 10 (waist high wedding shot) at ISO3200 looks as good as the D800 shoulder shot at ISO640 as far as noise. The D800 sample looks sharper, but it is taken at a higher magnification and closer framing so cannot make a fair comparison in that respect.
Yes, they were both viewed at the same fixed size on screen.. ::)

What I find interesting, given the comparable noise in the images, is that the D800 image was taken at 1/200 at 640 which means there was technically enough light to have shot at a lower ISO compared to the slower shutter speed required with the mkIII shot. Shooting higher ISO in ample light does not accurately demonstrate ISO performance. The Canon shot was at ISO3200 and 1/80 which indicates there really was low light conditions.
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Is it me or those JPG samples have very strong NR applied to them? Image 2 looks like a painting, image 1 shows lots of color botches

In my opinion it may have 2/3EV ISO advantage over the 5D mkII (RAW); I yet have to see the improvements in the Dynamic range, this is were sony made sensor have put canon to shame for the last few years.

a crop from iso 100 and iso 3200 from Dpreview showing the heavy NR applied
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