5dsr Dual Card Slot Potential Issue

I have a question to those that own a 5ds or 5dsr. I took the early plunge and purchased a 5dsr and have a question to other lucky-? owners.

I recently took it on a photography trip around Colorado. During that time I attempted to utilize the dual card slots with simultaneous writing. In the past with my 7DII I always did a sequential setup that always worked well. However, I found that during this trip the cards would lock up and sometimes become unreadable. The first time it happened with a brand new SanDisk CF card and SD pair. The camera wouldn’t do anything until I ejected the CF Card, even though the camera initially reported Card 2 as having the problem.

This particular behavior didn’t occur again and I thought I might have just received a lemon of a CF card. However, when I got back to the hotel to download my images I found several cards had reading issues and many images were not able to be downloaded.

About 3 days into my trip I decided to turn to SD cards only and go with that. After that everything was fine.

Anyone having a similar experience?

Thank you.
Feb 15, 2015
I have shot since Tuesday about 1600 frames on my 5Dsr with two 32GB Lexar 1066x CF cards, both new and formatted in Camera body. No issues, but not doing the dual card set-up (yet).
32 GB is a bit small for the 5Ds, only about 4xx RAW files, I think I will get at least one 128 GB card.
On the upside, the new Canon software to download images straight from body does no longer crash after 200 images as on the earlier version from the 5d2.
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