Canon 5D mk2 Firmware


A quick Q, please excuse my naivete on this one...

... my 5D mk2 has Firmware 1.1.0, checking the Canon website there is a current version of 2.1.2

Do I update? Can I just jump from 1.1.0 to 2.1.2? How to I actually do the update? (Download onto CF and install from there?).

Please excuse my ignorance and blindness on this one, I can't believe that I've never bothered with a Firmware update before!

Thanks in advance!
Mar 25, 2011
rhysb123 said:

Thanks all.

Mt Spokane - I think you have the nail on the head... I'm not having any problems which is why I've not bothered before. Perhaps I'll leave it as it is!

Can anything go 'wrong' if I decide to update?


Yes. Firmware updates occasionally fail and brick a camera, much as they do a computer. The risk is low, but since its a older camera, getting a failed upgrade fixed might cost proportionately too much. I would not want to risk a $250 failure unless I was getting something in return that I needed.
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