My challenge with the 100-500mm is DOF. For pure optical performance its amazing. However, I need the very shallow DOF of a 300mm f/2.8 lens. To me, its a waste of money from 100-299mm to have a glorified zoom instead of just a 300mm prime. And; we still have to see side-by-side comparisons, look at the bokeh (especially when not shot wide open) and I have still not seen anyone confirm it is actually 300mm at the long end and not "just" a 260/270/280mm. The 100-500mm for example does not go to 500mm but only around 480mm (from memory).A question no-one's asked: is the 100-500 so good that we don't need this? With today's low-noise sensors, IS and IBIS, and the fact we don't need f/2.8 to activate all the AF sensors, does anyone actually NEEEEEED this? Can anyone point to a published 300/2.8 shot that simply would have been unsalable with the DOF or more noise of f/5.6? I've argued for a couple years now that the real trinity is the f/4 zooms and 100-500, no longer the f/2.8 zooms.