I don’t think people understand what a stacked sensor is then. All a stacked sensor is is a normal image sensor with DRAM built-in to improve readout speed. They could very well reuse the same 24MP imaging sensor from the R3 in a different configuration that isn’t stacked (which is probably what they did here). Sony’s done almost the exact same thing with their lineup, they offered a 24 MP sensor in the a7 III and a9/a9 II and it’s almost certainly the same imaging sensor being used in both bodies, just in different configurations.If you've not been following along, some of us speculated it would have a stacked sensor because Canon's other new-ish 24MP full frame sensor is a stacked sensor. If this one isn't stacked, then it's a new design. Canon has a history of reusing sensors in different products (including much lower end products), so this is why we've been discussing it.