Patents: Canon 55-110 f/2 Optical Formula

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Mar 27, 2011
smirkypants said:
Blaze said:
Wow, this would be a fantastic lens to pair with a 7D for dimly-lit indoor sports. Sort of the poor man's crop version of a 1D + 70-200mm f/2.8 combination.
A 2.0 zoom won't be a poor man's anything. This thing will be large and heavy and expensive. If it's an L, it'll surely cost $2k or more. If it's EF-S, it'll easily be the most expensive EF-S available. If it's a Cinema lens I'll stomp and curse and spit.

Obviously it would be quite large and quite pricey, but unless it's a Cinema lens a 7D + 55-110 f/2 would still be considerably cheaper than a 1D + 70-200mm f/2.8.
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6D & a bunch of crazy primes
Jul 28, 2010
AG said:
Think that hint came when they killed off APS-H with the 1DMk4 (Ok yes you can still buy it but it is very limited) when they went to the 1D-X.

I wouldn't say that APS-H is completely killed off, but rather transformed into a different product line. The super-35 sensor in the EOS Ciné cameras is very very close to the same size as APS-H; they likely repurposed the fab equipment used for the previous 1D sensors to make the Ciné sensors, & they've already stated that we'll see a super-35 Ciné DSLR.

Anyway, if the 55-110 lens patent was for a Ciné design it'd likely say so, & probably have aperture rated in T-Stops...
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First - WOW - that is an impressive piece of design.

The Egami article seems pretty unambiguous that this will be a EF-S lens primarily for still photos on an APS-C body, and a f/2 zoom of this range for full frame just doesn't seem to make sense. Its definitely going to be at least $1500.

One thing has always confused me - it always seemed that two different lenses of approximately the same size and complexity and absolute aperture could be designed to deliver that same amount of light to either a crop sensor or a full frame sensor, negating many of the light-gathering advantages of FF cameras.

I guess this is the answer.

As for video, I would be extremely surprised if this was parfocal as well, but I could see Canon engineering an autofocus mechanism to maintain focus at the same point as one zooms.
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