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Click said:
scottkinfw said:
The vulture and the giraffe.
Taken in Mala Mala, 2016.
This giraffe was taken down by a pride or lions (we didn't witness it). We visited the site twice a day during golden hour and studied the natural progression of the cycle of life.
The lions took their fill first and then moved on. The hyenas waited for this to happen. After the lions left, the hyenas went to work while vultures kept their distance. The hyenas left and the vultures went to work. Interestingly, the vultures with their razor sharp beaks, opened new pockets of meat, and the hyenas came back to finish that off-taking advantage of vultures work.
Ultimately, the bones were picked clean, leaving little for bacteria and fungi. Other animals like procupines come along and take the bones into their dens and eat them- great source of calcium, phosphorus, and other key nutrients.
So, nothing goes to waste in the bush.

I invite honest critique of my pic.

I really your picture, Scott. That's a very nice one.
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