What do you recommend for beginner?

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Depending on how quickly you want to be taking pictures versus the depth with which you want to learn about photography, I almost think as a first camera, you might want to get an older one with fewer video gizmos and artistic photography modes. I don't say that because the are no good (they can be really cool), but because you may want to strip photography down to the bare essentials, force yourself to focus on why you would want a certain aperture or shutter speed, whether you want flash or not based on the lighting situation, etc. I was all jonesing for the 60D to be released so I could purchase one as my first DSLR, and I am sure I would have been very happy, but instead I bought a used 5D (not 5D II) with a full frame sensor for about the same money. I also got a 24-105MM f/4 L lens, and a 430EX flash as part of the deal (not included, the whole package was about $2k). I think I am the better for it, but then again I am the guy that wants to master the technical aspects before I even start focusin on improving composition, etc.
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