Boring Stuff
I'm free!

I no longer have a “day job”. I am now solely Canon Rumors and Lens Rentals Canada.

I will have a lot more time to focus on this site, which I'm looking very forward too.

Soft Sell
I believe in the soft sell and try not to have too many ads on the site.

A lot of great work has been put into our new and improved price watch pages. Some of you may have noticed. There are a lot more retailers and the prices are about as accurate as humanly possible.

Whenever you buy from any of the price watch links, Canon Rumors receives financial support. This is now my livelyhood, so if you wouldnt mind….. :)

If you don't, please do not feel guilty. Support your local stores if you have them. They're important parts of our community.

Thanks to Gordon for the great work on the price watch pages.

Thanks to the readers for allowing this life change.


Some of our articles may include affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.


  1. Eric Calabros on

    this site belongs to you, and you belong to this site… you should keep it up even if it doesn’t benefit you a penny

  2. Excellent, like others i only check it only 20~40 times a day.

    the voice from the southern Hemisphere


  3. Condratulations on your lens rental venture. I’m sure it is both exciting and a bit scarey to be totally dependent on a business venture. I did it 10 years ago and am still plugging along. The secret to a successful business is to be honest, and always care for your customers. Then, if you have a good product and keep costs under control, the income will follow.

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