Not much
1) If there is a camera tomorrow, it's the closest guarded camera I've run into. None of my CR3 sources have said a thing. I don't initiate contact with them, I just wait for emails. Nothing has shown up.

2) DigitalREV had a post on their twitter account that tomorrow was about a workshop and not a camera launch. That twitter post has since been removed, what's that mean?

3) We still have the missing camera ID from the 1D Mark IV firmware.

4) 1D Mark IV reviews are getting out fast from folks.

5) I can't believe Canon is going to WPPI with a Rebel T2i, a 70-200 f/2.8L IS II and nothing else. They have the biggest booth at the event.

I won't be sleeping tonight. I hope our CR2 stuff comes to pass, but I'm fully prepared to eat crow at this point.

Just going to develop some film (gah! film!), and wait for my email sound to chime. New EOS-1v? :)


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  1. and I instead want to see all sorts of colored lenses. competition is great and keeps companies inovating. thankfully the sun is setting on canon’s dominance giving consumer access to better pricess and gear and making all companies inovate faster and better. competition is good and if canon was the sole provider of all photography equipment, you’ll all be shooting with a faulty AF camera that leaks oil all over the sensor and costs $8K…oh wait.

  2. sadly the problem is that many of these internet guys aren’t photographers but instead are tech-thusiasts. they feel insulted when the inevitable model from the competition or within canon outdoes their current gear and fall into depression because they worship the brand instead of using the gear.

    People should be used to this by now. no camera will stay dominant for more than just a few months. better models will always come out and no company will ever again be the big undisputed king of the hill. those times are gone and good riddance since competition is great for the industry. enjoy the gear you have and forget about these endless upgrade ups and downs.

  3. What if the camera was tested at the Winter Olympics and issues were found that will take time to address?

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