Canon EF-M 11-22mm IS STM "lens hack". Turn it to <10mm!

I was playing around with my M lenses, and my thoughts took me to the question "why there is so weird collapsing mechanism" on my 11-22mm. So I played with it with thoughts of greatest achievable wide angle, and I found this:

1) When focus is set to infinity, it has slightly wider angle. Cool. It´s pretty normal way some lenses work.

2) When I try to collapse the lens, It goes wider. But it doesn´t let me to shoot, because something in the lens switches, and I see prompt jumping up on me (in the camera) that I should put the lens into normal shooting position.

Well, so I slowly turned the lens to the "breakpoint" where it still doesn´t ask for shooting position, took a a shot, and found it is noticably wider. It could be even wider without problems if the locking mechanism was set more "precisely".

Here is normal shot of locked mechanism - mess on my table:

And here it is in the position right before the camera will deny to shoot and prompt me to put the lens into shooting position:

If that prompt wasn´t there, It could shoot even wider, possibly without problems.

I hope there are not some wicked internal tolerances in the lens, which could cause some optical elements colision when trying to focus without locking it, but if somebody found this is not the case, I might mod that lens, bypass that switch, and get 10 or maybe even little less.

Huh, just playing...