Youtube put 4k into their player 5 years ago...Canon is only just now adding it to their prosumer cameras. Lets not pretend the Canon model is being really forward looking on video.
I recall on release of the 5D4, their market research showed that people using a DSLR for video do so in short bursts to supplement their stills and that people serious about video buy a video camera.
Now it seems to me that Canon are pretty smart on their market research so maybe they know more than the forum-dwelling Peter Jackson/Stalney Kubrik wannabes.
There's definitely a movement of people that want 60p as the standard frame rate...and a few film makers delivering in 48p or shooting in higher frame part driven by video gaming, etc. But a screen that refrehses at 60hz or 120hz will be able to handle 24p just fine.
Yep, after Peter Jackson shot The Hobbit at 48p, 24p will be so passe in 2020.