From NL: Wait for 5D3 could be longer

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Jul 21, 2010
As read over at NL
"31st A suggestion received (thanks) not to expect deliveries of a 5D3 until October.
Whilst we've had numerous suggestions that it would be after the 1D X, this is the first for a while that's pushed it back towards Photokina (from an August announcement?)"

BTW: It is not the first time we read this at NL. Even last year after the 1Dx announcement the suggested a long wait for a 5D3...

This leaves space for a mystical 3D or a downstripped 1Dx type body for February ... Or will the 5D3 mentioned at NL materialize as the high MP cam?
pedro said:
As read over at NL
"31st A suggestion received (thanks) not to expect deliveries of a 5D3 until October.
Whilst we've had numerous suggestions that it would be after the 1D X, this is the first for a while that's pushed it back towards Photokina (from an August announcement?)"

Looking back at history, the 5D2 was announced in a early/mid September timeframe as part of Photokina; and shipments didnt begin until early December (maybe late November). There appeared to be lots of shortages and maybe a hiccup. I wasnt part of that cycle so others may have a clearer memory - but anyway roughly 3 months from announce to first ship if history repeats.

So the question on the rumor is, deliveries in October might suggest a early/mid-summer announce. If it is an announce @ Photokina, I'd dare say I would not see one in my hands until New Years - ouch! I am hoping Canon isnt planning on waiting that long!

I would be surprised if Canon would yield 6 months or more to the next Nikon offering. And while the 5D line is generally not mass market consumer - going into 2012 Holiday without a comparable offering would be highly concerning for the company.

Got to believe its sooner than all that.
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K-amps said:
Mt Spokane Photography said:
When Nikon announces the D800 next week, Canon will be announcing something within a very few weeks.

Although the term "Weeks" can be used loosely...

Quote Saving this ;D

I cannot wait for the announcement... Cmon Canon.. Do it! (or is it Nikon Do it first?)

I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that the term "something" can be used loosely... :p
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Dianoda said:
K-amps said:
Mt Spokane Photography said:
When Nikon announces the D800 next week, Canon will be announcing something within a very few weeks.

Although the term "Weeks" can be used loosely...

Quote Saving this ;D

I cannot wait for the announcement... Cmon Canon.. Do it! (or is it Nikon Do it first?)

I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that the term "something" can be used loosely... :p

Haha +1
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Mt Spokane Photography

Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 25, 2011
The 5D MK II was announced about 4 weeks after the D700. It took slightly over 2 months to get mine, and it was among the first shipped. Adorama really worked to get a huge nmber of them shipped in two or three days after receiving them. The camera exceeded all sales estimates, so those who waited to order had to wait about two weeks to get theirs. Many were not willing to pre-order so they waited for months until the cameras were in stock, but, once cameras started shipping, there were few who actually ordered and had to wait more than three weeks.
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I think if I was allocating this CR numbers it'd be a 0. There's no way that Canon would announce a camera in Feb knowing it couldn't start shipping until October, and there is no mention in that rumour of a different announcement date. Canon will be looking to keep it's delivery promises especially after the debacle of the long lenses and the rumour of the 1D X being set back slightly, the Japanese are touchy about saving face so I expect them to be extra punctual with the next few models.

The last 5D rumour for a release in late Feb was rated a CR3 as good as it gets, imagine the effects on Canons sales if everyone knows there's a new 5D MkIII in October! 10 months wait!
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to be honest all these rumor sites seem to have no clue at all.

if there is something with substance you will read it anywhere at once .... all other stuff you can read there is crap. no offense admin.... it´s still a nice site here. :)

februar, no august, no december, no march, no july, no september.... wait i received word about november.
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May 20, 2011
Canon-F1 said:
to be honest all these rumor sites seem to have no clue at all.

Februar, no august, no december, no march, no july, no september.... wait i received word about november.
Thats because there are too many wannabe sources. I wish the wannabes could just shut up and go sit in a corner and let the real sources give us the info.

Anyway, the 5D3 is overdue (imo). I have no idea what Canon is doing. Perhaps the earthquake in Japan and the floods in Thailand hit them harder than we thought.
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Flake said:
There's no way that Canon would announce a camera in Feb knowing it couldn't start shipping until October...

The 1DX was announced Oct 18...if it ships in April as is now rumoured, that's close to 6 months. Maybe Canon likes all the hype and buildup and this is a new trend in their marketing! :eek: ;) Just kidding, hopefully this rumour is incorrect.
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Aug 11, 2010
bigblue1ca said:
Flake said:
There's no way that Canon would announce a camera in Feb knowing it couldn't start shipping until October...

The 1DX was announced Oct 18...if it ships in April as is now rumoured, that's close to 6 months. Maybe Canon likes all the hype and buildup and this is a new trend in their marketing! :eek: ;) Just kidding, hopefully this rumour is incorrect.

yeah I'm with bigblue. between the 1DX and the big white lenses announced last year, Canon seems to have no qualms about announcing things they can't deliver on for a long time. I'm not a fan of it, it seems like a way to keep people away from buying competing products while stretching out their own production deadlines, which just seems like a lousy way to treat the consumer. after all, we're essentially their clients, and if I were to tell my client to sit tight for awesomeness that they won't see for half a year ... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any clients. then again, it's a totally different industry. the auto industry has this sort of long lag between reveal and delivery and it's normative there, so maybe Canon is aiming to be "industry-leading" in yet another fashion.
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Jan 20, 2011
Mt Spokane Photography said:
When Nikon announces the D800 next week, Canon will be announcing something within a very few weeks.

Personally, I still believe that Canon will want to announce something related to the EOS system in March, as that is the 25th anniversary of the EOS system (The EOS 650 was launched in March 1987). Whether or not it will be a 5DIII is a totally different story. I think Canon would want to play on how revolutionary the EOS650 was.

As an aside, use a 85mm f/1.2L II with an EOS 650, and you will understand the meaning of frustrating AF! That is a good way to make yourself love the AF on the 5DII.... That said, although I do not use it much, I still love my EOS 650.
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Mar 27, 2011
pedro said:
As read over at NL
"31st A suggestion received (thanks) not to expect deliveries of a 5D3 until October.
Whilst we've had numerous suggestions that it would be after the 1D X, this is the first for a while that's pushed it back towards Photokina (from an August announcement?)"

BTW: It is not the first time we read this at NL. Even last year after the 1Dx announcement the suggested a long wait for a 5D3...

This leaves space for a mystical 3D or a downstripped 1Dx type body for February ... Or will the 5D3 mentioned at NL materialize as the high MP cam?
The current 5DII is probably selling so well canon sees no reason to replace it, not to mention they probably want to sell as many 1dx's as possible. I love the current 5d Mark II so no problems at all there.
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cpsico said:
The current 5DII is probably selling so well canon sees no reason to replace it, not to mention they probably want to sell as many 1dx's as possible.
You're effectively saying the following: "I could imagine that this would be the case, so it probably is the case."

I think that Canon probably got invaded by aliens who are probably holding them at gunpoint right now, and are probably forcing them to first finish their antigravity system before releasing any other bodies. That theory also fits in seamlessly with the delay on the 1D X, by the way, so apart from it being a nice theory, it's also backed up by cold, hard facts. Better start believing. :-X
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just because they release a 5Dmk3 doesnt automatically mean they have to stop selling 5D mk2 I mean the 5d mk3 will come in at a higher price point. I can totally see canon resetting the 5D2 price to $1999 once the 5D3 is out and keep selling them to people that dont need AF. for example you can still buy 550D cameras new even though the 600D has been out for ages and soon to be superceeded by the 650D. I think the 5D2 will still be a solid seller in the sub 2k category as it does give good bang for your buck :), just my thoughts on it anyway
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I think wickin brings up a solid point! The 5D III can easily be placed at $3300 to $3500. So there's room for the 5DII.

I really don't think we'll see the 5DIII till Photokina in early September and delivery to start in mid-October. That's a long time to wait if you're on the fence.

The 5DII kicks ass! It's a great image maker. So don't wait, just get one and start shooting.
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