What kind of events are you shooting where you feel the need to lean that hard on the shutter for so long. ? I used to shoot weddings and only took my camera off single shot for the bouquet and garter toss. Corporate events no need to take it off single shot. Unless by “event” you mean something like a track and field event.
Certain moments of an NHL hockey game. NOT all of the game, shoot outs, sudden death over time.
Riots, I don't want the click sound but want more than the low frame rate, but not 20 fps. The click sound can result in a brick to the head or the camera.
Certain moments at Tennis.
Formula One, the checkered flag and a few other spots here and there only (no F1 here in 2021 due to Covid, maybe next year)
Courthouse suspect/accused appearances. We cant shoot in the court room, just the hallways.
Funerals, again, I want a quick silent mode, but not 20 frames a second.
Candle lit vigils. We have a huge crisis breaking here with the residential school mass graves being discovered one by one.
Classical and Jazz Concerts. I would LOVE single frame in silent mode, no such beast on the R5. Maddening!
etc etc
I have not shot a track and field event yet with the R5, but I would be rather sure I would be fine with mechanical shutter in that scenario.