Only Canon knows the target market for their cameras. In their press release for the R3 they simply state that the camera is "professional grade", and that they "look forward to seeing the camera in action on the sidelines of sporting events and in the hands of nature and wildlife photographers across the globe".
So the target market includes sports, nature and wildlife photographers. I think it's pretty safe to say that the target market also includes wedding, events and reportage. In other words, it's aimed at pretty much the same market as the 1Dxiii.
Where we apparently differ regards whether the majority of purchasers are individuals or agencies/corporations. Wedding, nature and wildlife photographers are almost exclusively one-man bands, but I'd estimate that a high percentage of *professional* sports and reportage photographers have their equipment supplied by agencies, corporations and/or rental companies.
If you see no reason to continue the conversation that's fine, it's not worth falling out over it