Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II, Free CFast Card & Reader About to End

Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Because that is how the iso says to measure it.

ISO? That's exactly what we've been discussing – some guys In Search Of a sanctified chalice. Please try to keep up!

Sorry, I have been working for the day, I am about to go pick on Rishi now.........


Ahhh, I believe I've heard of him – he's one of the Knights Who Say Ni(kon), right?
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Because that is how the iso says to measure it.

ISO? That's exactly what we've been discussing – some guys In Search Of a sanctified chalice. Please try to keep up!

Sorry, I have been working for the day, I am about to go pick on Rishi now.........


Ahhh, I believe I've heard of him – he's one of the Knights Who Say Ni(kon), right?

Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound. ;D
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Because that is how the iso says to measure it.

ISO? That's exactly what we've been discussing – some guys In Search Of a sanctified chalice. Please try to keep up!

Sorry, I have been working for the day, I am about to go pick on Rishi now.........


Ahhh, I believe I've heard of him – he's one of the Knights Who Say Ni(kon), right?

Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound. ;D

And now for something completely different.
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

JMZawodny said:
privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Because that is how the iso says to measure it.

ISO? That's exactly what we've been discussing – some guys In Search Of a sanctified chalice. Please try to keep up!

Sorry, I have been working for the day, I am about to go pick on Rishi now.........


Ahhh, I believe I've heard of him – he's one of the Knights Who Say Ni(kon), right?

Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound. ;D

And now for something completely different.

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Lovely Spam
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

neuroanatomist said:
et31 said:
I'm a theoretician. If 14.8EV is measured from the sensor, but only 12.3EV is usable, then I will correctly say that my camera has a 14.8EV max threshold in the limit as the SNR approaches zero, but only 12.3EV capable for effective use.

In fairness, I should acknowledge there's an off chance you actually do believe DxO measured the D810 sensor at 14.8 stops of DR – after all, theoreticians are sometimes weak on analysis and interpretation of actual data. If that's the case, be aware that what they actually measured was 13.7 stops of DR. Accordingly, if you try to capture a scene with more than 13.7 stops, you're going to clip detail in the shadows, highlights, or both.

You're regurgitating the value they give for 'Print DR' which is two lies for the price of one, since they neither print nor measure an image. Instead, they calculate the DR of an image downsampled to an arbitrary 8 MP. Downsample further, DR artificially goes even higher (artificial in the sense that while DR does mathematically increase, you'll never recover the clipped data). Downsample less, DR artificially goes less high. Regardless, data outside of the actually measured DR (of 13.7 stops for the D810) are unrecoverably lost at capture. So, while you can state that your D810 has 14.8 stops of DR until you're blue in the face, it's not a correct statement. Theorize upon that.

More likely, you do understand the above and are just flatulating along our approximate vector. In that case, I suggest you emulate Brave, Brave Sir Robin and run away. Scarper. Bugger off.

I see. So 14.8 is the 8MP-print normalized DR,
and 13.7 is the native resolution DR ("print" vs "screen" in DXO's data)

I only work with RAW files, so I did not realize that this DXO site and others are basing their values off of reduced JPEG images. That's cheating and not telling the true story! :-\

I scoured through a lot of nonsense before I read that statement an hour ago on a different site. That paragraph above was all you had to say earlier. Try helping others understand the process instead of bashing them with sneering remarks.

I found a more thorough explanation. Finally!

Process a RAW file with Adobe Camera Raw using the Auto setting (then tweaking from there).
The Canon 5D Mark III's raw file scored 0.7 f-stop more in total dynamic range (12.5 vs 11.8 f-stops), but the score at the highest quality level increased only 0.07 f-stops from 7.8 to 7.87, which is an insignificant improvement and below average these days. This is due to the somewhat high noise in the 5D Mark III's darker shadows, as indicated when comparing the bottom-left Pixel Noise plot in the Imatest chart. The Nikon D800/D800E for instance managed significantly better scores of 9.98 f-stops at the highest quality level, and 13.3 f-stops total dynamic range. See below for a comparison of shadow noise between the Canon 5D Mark III and Nikon D800/D800E.

100% crops from steps 32 to 34 of our Stouffer stepchart raw shots at ISO 100, converted with Adobe Camera Raw 6.7 with noise reduction turned all the way down. Boosts at equal values to show difference:
Canon 5D Mark III level boost

Nikon D800E level boost

The primary reason the Canon 5D Mark III doesn't score as well as the D800/D800E in dynamic range tests is shadow noise. As mentioned above, shadow noise is much higher from the Canon 5D Mark III, which limits usable dynamic range.


Now, this review was done with the older D800E (which had a low pass filter for anti-aliasing and did not have a sharp look). The D810 has a redesigned sensor and removal of the low pass filter, which creates the best effect.

Yep! Overall, that is what I have seen with my photos when I work with shadow recovery!
The D810 has given me more of a cinematic flat profile to correct and has more resolving power with higher ISOs.
Less of that water-color look at higher ISOs, more detail, and more to work with for correction values.
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
neuroanatomist said:
privatebydesign said:
Because that is how the iso says to measure it.

ISO? That's exactly what we've been discussing – some guys In Search Of a sanctified chalice. Please try to keep up!

Sorry, I have been working for the day, I am about to go pick on Rishi now.........


Ahhh, I believe I've heard of him – he's one of the Knights Who Say Ni(kon), right?

If I were the suspicious type I'd speculate that you two were intentionally having an argument purely for the sake of out-Monty-geeking-Python-ing each other. At least it's not just a contradiction.

Edit: Damn! Meant to quote this post:
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

privatebydesign said:
Robin said:
I'll tell you what's wrong with this argument. It's dead. That's what's wrong with it.

No, no, it's eh...resting.

With apologies.

It's a remarkable bird the Norwegian Blue............
I have spent an awful number of hours trying to find one, but they are so quiet and very difficult to find. Maybe this was the last one ... ;)
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

Eldar said:
privatebydesign said:
Robin said:
I'll tell you what's wrong with this argument. It's dead. That's what's wrong with it.

No, no, it's eh...resting.

With apologies.

It's a remarkable bird the Norwegian Blue............
I have spent an awful number of hours trying to find one, but they are so quiet and very difficult to find. Maybe this was the last one ... ;)

Well let's face it; they're not exactly gonna be loud are they ;)
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

neuroanatomist said:
et31 said:
I do love my D810 for landscapes (ISO <50) at 14.8 DR.

Ahhh, you have indeed been smoking DxO. Sounds like you skipped the soft stuff and went straight to crack-BS in your pipe. That's some bad mojo, man.

When you start capturing the highlights and shadows of scenes with >14-stops of DR, be a good neighbor and let us know, mmmmmkay?

Friends don't let friends smoke DxO then take pictures!

Ahh, the neurodude. Seems you just know way too much and this forum is starting to be small for your greatness. How about another hobby for you or at least stop bashing everyone else and always trying to win every little argument? relax
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

fegari said:
neuroanatomist said:
et31 said:
I do love my D810 for landscapes (ISO <50) at 14.8 DR.

Ahhh, you have indeed been smoking DxO. Sounds like you skipped the soft stuff and went straight to crack-BS in your pipe. That's some bad mojo, man.

When you start capturing the highlights and shadows of scenes with >14-stops of DR, be a good neighbor and let us know, mmmmmkay?

Friends don't let friends smoke DxO then take pictures!

Ahh, the neurodude. Seems you just know way too much and this forum is starting to be small for your greatness. How about another hobby for you or at least stop bashing everyone else and always trying to win every little argument? relax

Thank you.
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

fegari said:
neuroanatomist said:
et31 said:
I do love my D810 for landscapes (ISO <50) at 14.8 DR.

Ahhh, you have indeed been smoking DxO. Sounds like you skipped the soft stuff and went straight to crack-BS in your pipe. That's some bad mojo, man.

When you start capturing the highlights and shadows of scenes with >14-stops of DR, be a good neighbor and let us know, mmmmmkay?

Friends don't let friends smoke DxO then take pictures!

Ahh, the neurodude. Seems you just know way too much and this forum is starting to be small for your greatness. How about another hobby for you or at least stop bashing everyone else and always trying to win every little argument? relax

neuro is the root of neurotic. Just relax and ignore. Every once in awhile he does post something useful. Enjoy the presents when they are offered. Otherwise, don't feed the monster.
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Re: Preorder: Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

fegari said:
neuroanatomist said:
et31 said:
I do love my D810 for landscapes (ISO <50) at 14.8 DR.

Ahhh, you have indeed been smoking DxO. Sounds like you skipped the soft stuff and went straight to crack-BS in your pipe. That's some bad mojo, man.

When you start capturing the highlights and shadows of scenes with >14-stops of DR, be a good neighbor and let us know, mmmmmkay?

Friends don't let friends smoke DxO then take pictures!

Ahh, the neurodude. Seems you just know way too much and this forum is starting to be small for your greatness. How about another hobby for you or at least stop bashing everyone else and always trying to win every little argument? relax

I personally don't think Neuro has done anything wrong. 99% of the time the people that try to debate with him are dead wrong, and when he's tried to tell them politely in the past they got confrontational and came out with even more ridiculous posts. I think Neuro's sarcastic posts these days spawn out of sheer exasperation.

The fact of the matter is Neuro is the smartest person in the room, and if you're going to come up with grandiose figures on the performance of something he is very knowledgeable about, he's going to chime in. I find it more unfortunate that people take such offence to being educated.

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