Canon announces development of the EOS R5 full-frame mirrorless camera

I've never shot on a camera with any sort of "tilty-flippy" screen before...articulating or otherwise.

I shoot stills and video with my trusty 5D3......and never knew I was missing anything.

Can you tell me the use cases for a tilty-flippy screen that I've been missing?



Pictures (often of my kids) taken from ground level. The Nikon tilt screen is more limited but faster for this when shooting horizontally.
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Can you tell me the use cases for a tilty-flippy screen that I've been missing?

A bunch! Off the top of my head:

General shooting: reach over crowds and still have the LCD facing your eyes. Even take the shot by touching the screen.​
Outdoor landscape / macro: when you are on a tripod in a tough position, it's much easier on the back to not have to stoop down to see the screen.​
Outdoor landscape / macro: angling the LCD is pretty nice when the sun is putting glare on it. There are very few good LCD sun shades out there, so I'm always futzing with a piece of cardboard I cut out for my 5D3 and mount with gaffer. A tilty-flippy could do wonders here to simply get the reflection out of my eyes, make the screen easier to look at, etc.​
Street: take photos not actively looking at subjects through the VF. Shoot it like a TLR, I guess? (edit: Doggone it, someone beat me to this. (y))​
Selfie-cam for stills or video: you can do more by yourself without a PC link to a monitor, without a cell phone link, etc. and your eyes are looking at the camera rather than at some other display. Probably a godsend for vloggers, unboxers and YouTubers.​

I'm sure this forum has a dozen more uses of an articulating screen.

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Probably unpopular opinion:

I must say, as someone who has used the Sony 200-600 (which maxes out at f6.3 and is internal zoom), the 100-500 doesn't particularly impress me. Unless it's significantly cheaper, but I seriously doubt it will be. I suppose they're trying to keep the lenses smaller, like the RF 70-200.

It might impress in other departments like weight, compactness while maintaining same quality as 100-400mkii and as bonus 100mm more reach.
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I haven't seen any guesses under $3000, nor many over $4000.

My hope is $4999 with 24-70 f2.8, which I'm deferring for that reason.

I wouldn't count on that f/2.8. Canon tends to dump a 24-105L in with almost every non-gripped FF kit. The 24-105L is also the lens bolted on to the R5 in the promo shots.

Some 3rd parties kit different glass with bodies, but I want to say (foggy memory) it runs afoul of Canon's authorized reseller rules. And Canon doesn't want to overpopulate the used market with high end f/2.8 zooms -- they want you to buy a new one.

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I've never shot on a camera with any sort of "tilty-flippy" screen before...articulating or otherwise.

I shoot stills and video with my trusty 5D3......and never knew I was missing anything.

Can you tell me the use cases for a tilty-flippy screen that I've been missing?



Worms eye view shots, ground level macro, held above head with live view, tripod with trigger....lots!
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If a lens is good enough for the 5D IV I'm pretty confident it will be dcecent enough for the R5 as well so lenses shouldn't be your main concern imo.

I agree - with the exception that #adaptorlife just isn't as fun...

Also in terms of trade in program: Not happening. There's an actual market for anything Apple take back and due to sheer product volumes better and cheaper standardised refurbishing processes.

Exactly my point. Don't make the R5 price point more than $3500.00.
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My favorite cringe is for the guy who has his hood on backward while shooting.

I don't do it often, but it does happen occasionally.

Sometimes I do it if I'm using a CPL with a deep hood (like my 70-200 or 100L macro). Changing from portrait to vert spikes the CPL function, so I reverse the hood so I can quickly turn the CPL ring keep the sky tamed without slowing down. Neither of my deeper hooded lenses have the CPL window feature, though (I somewhat liked it with my 100-400L II rental last year).

Another weird reason to reverse it: hiking, of all things. Weather may change, if it's a short hike you aren't carrying a bag to stow the hood in, etc.

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Where are all those brilliant people who said Canon does not need IBIS??

Now that we are routinely looking at cameras with over 30MP, more stabilization is required for routine stills. For video, stabilization is required at any resolution. Stabilization could be tripods, motorized gimbals, Lens IS, or IBIS. Obviously tripods negate the other 3 and vice-versa.

While IBIS is certainly a nice luxury to have on a 20-something MP sensor, it's not necessary. But I can't shoot a damn thing on my 5DSR without either a tripod or at minimum Lens IS (which negates a lot of lenses that dont have IS) or shoot at very very high shutter speeds.

So now that we are looking at a basically a 5D replacement with 45MP, IBIS is an absolute MUST, because you have to have the flexibility to shoot handheld and not worry about shake at that resolution like you do with the 5DSR.
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I wouldn't count on that f/2.8. Canon tends to dump a 24-105L in with almost every non-gripped FF kit. The 24-105L is also the lens bolted on to the R5 in the promo shots.

Some 3rd parties kit different glass with bodies, but I want to say (foggy memory) it runs afoul of Canon's authorized reseller rules. And Canon doesn't want to overpopulate the used market with high end f/2.8 zooms -- they want you to buy a new one.

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Yeah, Canon doesn't kit $2,300 lenses with bodies and even if they did I don't see it coming in at under $5,000 for both.
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Amen, fellow Questar enthusiast. Every hood of mine stays in the original box with the sealed manual, warranty docs, and strap, and is never deployed. I invest in good lenses with good coatings, and pay to much of a premium for convenient and compact forms to throw away the benefits with a hood that I associate with amateurs trying to make their lenses look more pro. Reminds me of those engagement ring settings with the circle of little diamond chips to "fool" people into thinking the main diamond is much larger.

The hood on the 100mm macro is sized in such a way that I can brace it on my fist and my fist on the ground/wall/tree and have things at MFD perfectly in focus. It also keeps twigs and sticks away from the front element :)

The hood on the MP-E (it exists, google it, it's awesome!) is mainly there to keep the flash out of the front element.
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If it lacks the 1DX III AF-ON button functionality, it is actually a big let-down. It is typical especially in the smartphone industry - you receive almost ideal smartphone, just to find out one crucial parameter actually sucks. Then you find it at a different model (here comes R6 for e.g.), but then you miss what you liked about a previous one ....

Do you really expect all the 1DX III features for half the price?
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I was hoping they would have a delivery date and a little more specs listed. I have a trip to Japan scheduled for the end of May and was wishfully hoping they were going to announce it with April delivery date or something. *sigh*. Guess my 5D Mark III will be my camera for that trip and I will likely get this later in the Fall.
I’m in a similar situation with a trip to the Alps most of June. I have a Fuji GFX 50s that I may be taking instead of Canon gear now. The rumored 45mp is close enough that I’d have preferred the Canon for the lens diversity that I have. The GF lenses are still pretty limited.
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Canon Rumor Guy I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you release more info on the EOS R6 that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Did Craig kidnap your sexy, leggy, blonde daughter or kill the dog given to you as a gift by your late wife?
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