In my experience the R5 is very reliable, it works without any bugs, the previous firmware updates have been useful (except for the 400MP option which is useless for my needs at least), the AF works very fast and accurate... The R5 has become a better camera with all the updates than it was when it first came out, and even when it came out it was excellent. I see almost no reason for a new update. When I say almost no reason, it doesn't mean that I don't think that some things couldn't be fixed, but if after so many years of existence they haven't been fixed, I don't have much hope that it will ever be done in the future. What really bothers me, but almost no one mentions it, so I believe that I am among the few who are affected by this "problem", is that the R5 in any resolution (FHD, 4K, 8K...) in 16:9 aspect ratio actually it does not record with the full width of the sensor at all, but the crop steals quite a bit of width. In the DCI aspect ratio (17:9), the R5 uses the entire width of the sensor, but given that the FHD resolution exists only in the 16:9 aspect ratio, the R5 is actually not Full Frame at all! Well, I'd love it if Canon would fix it, but I kind of doubt they'll ever do it if they haven't by now.