missing 200-400 and 100-400 announcements?

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candyman said:
I would replace my 70-300L if the IQ of the new 100-400 is better than the 70-300L
What do you think, will it be better?

If and/or when this lens comes out I doubt it will be better then the 70-300mm at 300mm.

The current 100-400 and the 70-300 lenses are both about the same for image quality at 300mm. The real advantage is the extra 100mm in one lens.

I do hope that the new version of the 100-400 would be slightly better then the old one. I would love this lens as an all purpose walk around/kayak wildlife lens.

I'd love the 200-400, but the more I think about it the more I am discouraged by the weight to consider it as a walking/kayaking lens. Thus the 100-400 rumors get me very interested.

Like you... the IQ will be the deciding factor for me. :)
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I spoke with someone who actually used it in London. He said it was an awesome lens, for what that's worth...I have been on a waiting list for the 600 for several months now and still don't have it....right now that is the one that I can't wait to get my hands on...Got the 1Dx back in late July, after being on another list since November so I guess that is just kind of SOP with Canon right now. Damn I want that new 600...sold my 500
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The 200-400 will be out of my price range, but if I had the money it would certainly be near the top of my list. It is an extremely versatile lens that I expect will become a favorite of wildlife photographers.

For me I am hoping for a new 100-400 lens. My suspicions are a new version would have the following attributes
- Slightly lighter, but otherwise similarly sized to the old one
- Much sharper. @400/5.6 this will be a very sharp lens - probably not near the level of the new 500 and 600 but significantly better than the old one.
- Much better AF. The old version was slooooow. The new one will be much better, at least for a 5.6 lens.
- Price about $3k

If it has those attributes I will buy it.
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neuroanatomist said:
kirispupis said:
If it has those attributes I will buy it.

Me, too!

Me three. I've rented the current version and was quite impressed. Good AF, good IS, sharp... I even liked the shotgun zoom, makes it really quick and easy to go from wide and see the whole field (football) and zoom all the way in nearly instantly to catch some action.

I really want one, but I can wait until there's a new version. I'll just rent it again if I need it before that.
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Mt Spokane Photography said:
Rumors are just that. Nothing you read here is guaranteed, and many post that a item is confirmed based on talking to a local camera salesman, who likely has no real inside knowledge.
Never buy or sell equipment based on just a rumor. Just enjoy the many fine contributors to the site and take photos!

+1.....I'm in the same boat waiting for new 100-400mm. I'm currently cover from 16 - 200mm at F2.8 straight - range I use most. Therefore, I'm no hurry for 100-400 yet, but it would be nice to have a lens that can cover up to 400mm. ;)
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And remember not all rumors are created equal.

Some rumors are circulated by those who are under a non-disclosure agreement
Some rumors are based on hypothesis from known product life cycles, upcoming events, anniversaries and milestones
Some rumors are wishful thinking from Internet forums
Some rumors are just plain bogus

Buy based on requirement weighted upon available information.

Remember, all refreshed gear will cost more than what they are replacing.
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tron said:
If this is your profession so be it. But Canon is stupid in everything related to 200-400 in the sense that they announced it months er year(s) I mean before it will actually be available. They were not professional enough to say even approximately when it will be available
You seem to be confusing the statement that it was under development with a new product announcement. That is a big difference. It might take years to develop a product, there may be little pitfalls along the way, like the Tusanmi, which they should have predicted (very unprofessional not to have predicted that), and shut down the power consuming fluorite line and ruined many months production worth of crystals, if not more. That alone likely set back development for almost a year, since production would certainly have priority over R&D.
Once the product is announced, then start the clock to delivery. Right now, only prototypes have been seen, and for all we know, another tweak in the design is needed before its ready to announce.
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My suspicion with the delay in the 200-400 is a factor of trying to balance market sustainability with engineering. I fully believe that Canon already has the know-how to build this lens. Where the problem comes is building one that will actually sell. How much of a premium will people pay for the built in extender?

Canon's 300/2.8 II is currently priced at $7250. Nikon's 300/2.8 VR is currently priced at $5700 compared to their 200-400 VR II at $6700. If you extrapolate this price then it comes to $8500 for a Canon 200-400. The 1.4x III extender is $500.

However the latest CR posts have put the price at $10k-$11k. That is a hefty premium for the convenience. At these prices the 300/2.8 II is quite a bit cheaper and handles a 2x extender very well. This also puts it in competition with the 400/2.8 II.

For this product to be a success, IMHO, they really can't price it above $9500. Even at that price I expect a number of people to find the 300/2.8 II to be a better alternative. The reason we are seeing the delay is Canon is finding it difficult to design the lens for that price while still keeping it within the optical standards of their best telephotos.

IMHO Canon really made a mistake here. They would help themselves far more by releasing a 200-400 without the 1.4x extender at $8500.
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kirispupis said:
My suspicion with the delay in the 200-400 is a factor of trying to balance market sustainability with engineering. I fully believe that Canon already has the know-how to build this lens. Where the problem comes is building one that will actually sell. How much of a premium will people pay for the built in extender?

Canon's 300/2.8 II is currently priced at $7250. Nikon's 300/2.8 VR is currently priced at $5700 compared to their 200-400 VR II at $6700. If you extrapolate this price then it comes to $8500 for a Canon 200-400. The 1.4x III extender is $500.

However the latest CR posts have put the price at $10k-$11k. That is a hefty premium for the convenience. At these prices the 300/2.8 II is quite a bit cheaper and handles a 2x extender very well. This also puts it in competition with the 400/2.8 II.

For this product to be a success, IMHO, they really can't price it above $9500. Even at that price I expect a number of people to find the 300/2.8 II to be a better alternative. The reason we are seeing the delay is Canon is finding it difficult to design the lens for that price while still keeping it within the optical standards of their best telephotos.

IMHO Canon really made a mistake here. They would help themselves far more by releasing a 200-400 without the 1.4x extender at $8500.

I agree. In fact why did Canon bother with the fancy built in extender?
Surely a 200-560 zoom would have been much easier to design and manufacture.
If the new lens is not extremely sharp at 560/5.6 it will be considered a failure if the asking price is very high IMHO.
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The 10K price doesn't make much sense.

The Nikon 200-400 is $1000 less than the Nikon 500mm.

I can't see the Canon unit being more expensive than the Canon 500mm.
If it really is 10 K then the Nikon 200-400 plus a converter plus a camera would be less than the Canon lens.

I like the Idea of the 200-400 1.4x, but if it is more expensive and heavier than a 500mm then i don't think it will sell well.
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