More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

I wonder what (highly speculative) conclusions can be drawn based on these rumors, with regards to the next iteration of the 6D. I personally hope they ditch the metal alloy in the body in favour of something lighter like polycarbonate or carbon fibre, and improve the weather sealing. A ultra light, affordable landscape beast with minimal frills. For hiking landscape photographers I would argue that grams is the most important specification, right after file quality. ISO 25 or less with no DR punishment would be awesome too.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Fotofanten said:
I wonder what (highly speculative) conclusions can be drawn based on these rumors, with regards to the next iteration of the 6D. I personally hope they ditch the metal alloy in the body in favour of something lighter like polycarbonate or carbon fibre, and improve the weather sealing. A ultra light, affordable landscape beast with minimal frills. For hiking landscape photographers I would argue that grams is the most important specification, right after file quality. ISO 25 or less with no DR punishment would be awesome too.
Agreed. Magnesium Alloy has horrible heat transfer properties. I hate using mag cameras in the cold and when moving indoors from the cold. It condenses quicker for some reason. It is also very cold to handle outdoor in freezing temps. Even a Rebel plastic has vastly more protection than is needed for a landscape and studio camera.

The Canon marketing department would shoot it down though, because Mag Alloy is highly valued in spec sheets, even if it does or does not proved any advantage.

I have tons is experience with Mag Allow components in downhill mountain bikes. Impact resistance is the very last thing that goes into the decision to use Mag Alloy for parts. It is stiff and light, but far from having any great impact resistant properties.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

PureClassA said:
+1 I don't do lots of landscape, but I also don't understand this "gotta have it" obsession with built in GPS.

I see the limitations of my 6d's gps and the advantages of an external solution, but it unexpectedly has grown on my because it's so darn convenient. Unlike wifi, I wonder if it's really that hard to put the tiny gps receiver into the 5ds or if the decision is mostly driven by marketing.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

PhotographyFirst said:
I can't seem to find the logic as to why people complain about certain things.

We have options for everyone. Why is it when a new option comes along people act like they are being forced to buy it at gunpoint for something it is not intended?

When 7D2 was released, people complained it didn't have a flippy touch screen and wifi. Does the 70D not exist?

When the 11-24 was rumored, people complained it is too wide, too slow, and doesn't take filters. So no other fast UWA lens exists that takes filters?

I really hope people's lives are not so boring and miserable that they feel the need to just constantly complain. These companies are giving us amazing options for little or no profit. I swear some people would complain about a free sandwich because it wasn't slice at the angle they prefer. :)

I bet if we took someone from 1990 and brought them ahead in time, they would be dumbfounded, and eager to slap some people around for their perceived "first world problems." Back then, digital photography was a fantasy. Today, it is better than anyone could have ever imagined.

I fully agree, that's why I just focus on the important things in life, its just to dam short to waste it on bit*** and complaining. I never saw yet or heard of any judges asking what camera took this shot before deciding on which images is a winner.

Looks like to me that people are more into the hardware instead of mastering what they got and make it work, technology from 8 years ago is way more advance than 50 years ago, and even thou having the latest and greatest is nice, it will never make you take better pictures. I heard from somewhere that cameras don't take pictures people do.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

PureClassA said:
I hear ya. point was that we have countless, endless threads on "More MP" and "More DR" ... no one (or very very few) is screaming "More GPS!"

It doesn't matter who screams at what noise level, it's the accumulated customers' decision making that matters. Even the most verbose advocates of this or that only buy one camera at a time.

And while of course the "core" specs are the most discussed in an enthusiasts' forum ("If I'd have more mp/dr, I'd be a good photog") I'd speculate that a bunch of handy features is as important for the mass market business aspect.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Marsu42 said:
I see the limitations of my 6d's gps and the advantages of an external solution, but it unexpectedly has grown on my because it's so darn convenient. Unlike wifi, I wonder if it's really that hard to put the tiny gps receiver into the 5ds or if the decision is mostly driven by marketing.

For all we know, a GPS receiver is present on the 5DIII mainboard, but just not implemented (no antenna / operational firmware / menu options). I'm not saying it is, but it could be. Lots of electronic products with good / better / best models are built around identical mainboards (and, often, identical enclosures), and vary only in model identification, price and which features are implemented in firmware / software.
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

JonAustin said:
For all we know, a GPS receiver is present on the 5DIII mainboard, but just not implemented (no antenna / operational firmware / menu options). I'm not saying it is, but it could be.

Great conspiracy theory worthy of this forum, keep 'em coming :)

JonAustin said:
Mitch.Conner said:
I wonder if the narrow ISO range and high MP will mean Canon will finally come out with an image stabilized version of either the 24-70 f/2.8 or an f/2.8 version of the 24-105 IS L
Yes, bring it! (Either one.)

"Shut up and take my money" anyone ?

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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

JonAustin said:
For all we know, a GPS receiver is present on the 5DIII mainboard, but just not implemented (no antenna / operational firmware / menu options). I'm not saying it is, but it could be.

Many times, GPS receivers and/or WiFi cards are tiny (1 square cm) boards that plug into the main board. It allows you to have 1 design that can be used without radio (leave card out) or for different areas where different frequencies are licensed.... so for all we know, the slot might already be there... (but I doubt it)
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Marsu42 said:
jrista said:
But once again...utter silence about read noise and dynamic range. This is, clearly, a Low ISO part from Canon. If they had resolved their low ISO read noise would think they would be proclaiming it to the heavens. Why the silence? :\

Isn't it obvious? In an announcement, you mention the strengths (i.e. more metapixies) and not the status quo (good read noise on 6d) or weaknesses (less dr vs. exmor).

What announcement? ;)
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

V8Beast said:
...I too find it a bit peculiar that everyone is so seduced by the megapixel count of this machine that the whole DR issue has flown under the radar thus far...The discussion still hasn't devolved into a DR pissing match :eek:

My guess is that it has something to do with the rumor that it's a Sony sensor, bringing with it an assumption of high performance in the dynamic range department.

Give it time. Once the sensor is proven to be of Canon origin, the DR battles will resume. :p
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Famateur said:
Give it time. Once the sensor is proven to be of Canon origin, the DR battles will resume. :p

I'm looking forward to the first samples of the 50mp sensor, I'm confident these 0.5mp web-sized to max. 5mp "very large" images will look totally different than from the ancient ~20mp sensors :p ...

... except for shots with blown whites, because clipping keeps being clipped no matter how you downscale, denoise or crop it. Let the dynamic range wars begin anew, the king is dead, long live the king!
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Famateur said:
Marsu42 said:
jrista said:
But once again...utter silence about read noise and dynamic range. This is, clearly, a Low ISO part from Canon. If they had resolved their low ISO read noise would think they would be proclaiming it to the heavens. Why the silence? :\

Isn't it obvious? In an announcement, you mention the strengths (i.e. more metapixies) and not the status quo (good read noise on 6d) or weaknesses (less dr vs. exmor).

What announcement? ;)

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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Lee Jay said:
JimKarczewski said:
Hell, basketball I never shoot over ISO 320. It's either 320 or 160 but I strobe every basketball game, so this would be a backup to my backup.

Really? Wow. As a person who gets ophthalmic migraines from bright camera flashes, the first thing I'd do as a basketball player in a game you're shooting is accidentally on purpose crash into your strobes.

Since he used the term strobe and not flash, how do you know he isn't referring to the high above ceiling strobes that they have at pro arenas and at the bigger NCAA D1 schools?
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

chromophore said:
jrista said:
So this is a camera optimized for low ISO performance. Canon is talking about stronger CFA and all of that....(which, given that for color depth above 24 bits is basically indiscernible to the human eye, is a total waste of time IMO. The only potential benefit MIGHT be lower color noise, if they are more finely restricting the colors through each CFA...but color noise would also be reduced if they would reduce their darn read noise.)

But once again...utter silence about read noise and dynamic range. This is, clearly, a Low ISO part from Canon. If they had resolved their low ISO read noise would think they would be proclaiming it to the heavens. Why the silence? :\

I don't want to lose the last little bit of hope I have in Canon...

The point you make about the read noise being an overriding factor is a good one and I agree.

Given that the information provided thus far about the camera is very preliminary, and we know nothing about the technology in the sensor, much less seen any actual images from this camera, there are "glass half-empty" and "glass half-full" viewpoints:

Pessimist view: Increased color discrimination in this camera will be largely useless because Canon didn't improve the low ISO read noise. Canon did it because all they can do is implement incremental, tangential improvements in their sensor technology, and cannot compete against Sony.

Optimist view: Increased color discrimination in this camera was implemented precisely because Canon improved the low ISO read noise hence making the existing CFA performance inadequate, especially in post processing losses in color fidelity when bumping shadows by several stops.

Which one will turn out to be the case is unknowable at this time. But the answer will most definitely determine the success of this camera.

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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

LetTheRightLensIn said:
Lee Jay said:
JimKarczewski said:
Hell, basketball I never shoot over ISO 320. It's either 320 or 160 but I strobe every basketball game, so this would be a backup to my backup.

Really? Wow. As a person who gets ophthalmic migraines from bright camera flashes, the first thing I'd do as a basketball player in a game you're shooting is accidentally on purpose crash into your strobes.

Since he used the term strobe and not flash, how do you know he isn't referring to the high above ceiling strobes that they have at pro arenas and at the bigger NCAA D1 schools?

I was assuming it was something like Elinchroms on stands or similar since he said he strobes them rather than using the house strobes (which are now banned in many places, and always unnecessary).
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Re: More About the EOS 5DS & EOS 5DS R

Marsu42 said:
JonAustin said:
Mitch.Conner said:
I wonder if the narrow ISO range and high MP will mean Canon will finally come out with an image stabilized version of either the 24-70 f/2.8 or an f/2.8 version of the 24-105 IS L
Yes, bring it! (Either one.)

"Shut up and take my money" anyone ?


I'm hoping we'll see it this year. I seriously don't care how much it weighs.
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