Of course it makes sense. These will be higher rez than the old lenses. The body will be a high Rez body. But unless these lenses deliver stupendous rez, the problem with digital vs. lens rez will continue. The body being capable of higher rez than the lens.
But that simply isn't how system resolution works. And this continued complete misunderstanding seems to be perpetuating...
This isn't definitive but is a reasonable basic outline of the maths
Reposted yet again/again/again:-
System resolution can be broadly shorthanded down to this equation, it isn't perfect but close enough.
tsr = 1/sqrt((1/lsr) ² + (1/ssr) ² )
Where tsr is total system resolution, lsr is lens spatial resolution, and ssr is sensor spatial resolution.
So if, for example, we have a sensor that can resolve 100 lppmm, and a lens that can resolve 100 lppmm we get this
1/sqrt((1/100) ² + (1/100) ² ) = tsr of 71 lppmm
Leave the same lens on, good or bad, and double the sensor resolution to 200 lppmm
1/sqrt((1/100) ² + (1/200) ² ) = tsr of 89 lppmm
You will notice that the system resolution, even in this simplified form, can never resolve 100% of the lowest performing portion of that system, so if a 24MP sensor is returning 80% of the potential of a lens then a 50MP sensor might return 90%, how useful that is in real life is a moot point, but it does illustrate that even the most modest lens will show increased resolution when put in front of a higher resolving sensor.
If Canon releases a hi-res body (60+mp) then it needs a set of lens that resolve to that level. No use releasing the body when the resolution can't be used. What I don't understand is why there needs to be a new set of non-L lens for the R mount. There already exists a wide range of cheap EF-S...
Ultimatly, there are only so many photons. Lets use a pair of imaginary sensors to show the point with easy math. Both sensors are perfect, and both have a perfect A/D circuit to read them. Both sensors cover the same area, one is 10X10 pixels, the other one is 40X40 pixels. Both sensors are...
Just curious about something...Is there any older Canon lens - like the EF100-400L - that will be able to resolve anything close to what a 50.6mp sensor can resolve, or will buying a 50.6mp camera require all new glass? There are several old Canon lenses able to show much more detail with a 50...
Here is a much more in depth way of calculating optical system resolution.