I know some pro photographers, and I, being an amateur (but a science journalist), published some of my wildlife images e.g. in a leading German newspaper (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wissen/...und-anderen-fliegenden-fischern-16778607.html). So, of course, I am fully aware of that topic, but the pros I know don't spend any time for posting in photography gear threads. I guess here, like me, mostly skilled amateurs are posting. Btw digital photography improved my analogue photography with vintage cameras simply because I could play and check the results immediately. So it is going in opposite direction in my personal caseBut again, these are professional cameras, aimed at professional photographers.
Don't misunderstand me, I am not anti new gear, otherwise I wouldn't be on Canonrumors, I appreciate it is existing (Canon: were's a decend R7?). But you do not always need the latest gear to get better results. Really skilled photographers can even with toy cameras create interesting images, I remember the funny and very inspiring series about that on "digital rev tv" ...