I know that people from Canon read forums like this. So it is important that people who want DSLRs back express their opinion. I am even active in the Macrumors Forum, although I would never buy an Apple product.Skyscraper fan, I'm puzzled why you even bother with a rumors forum when a 2012 camera is perfect for your needs. If you don't have friends or family that you ever shoot and don't need any feature not required to shoot a skyscraper, please recognize your needs are very niche and no mass market maker is going to cater to you, and you might as well desubscribe from this group because I guarantee Canon's not going to make a camera or other piece of gear that you will like ever again. It will be unproductive for you to waste a second further here.
I still do all my editing with Photoshop CS2. It came out in April 2005. So it is more than 18 years old, but it does the job. I also installed the latest version recently (for free of course). It hardly offers any useful new features, but at the same time the user interface has changed so much that I quickly went back to my CS2. It is shocking to think how much money people have spent during those 18 years to pay for all the Photoshop updates and then even a monthly subscription, while the software was already pretty much complete in 2005.
My opinion about climate change may be unpopular, but most of you probably live further south than I do. Even this month we can some uncomfortably cold days in Germany. It's summer. It should be hot. In some years we have seven or even eight cold months. It is horrible if temperatures drop in October and you know that it might stay cold until May. I might see that differently if I lived in hot country like Spain.
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